On April 22, 2017, Mr. Jason Kenney, Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, gave a similar speech on the topic “Canada: economic integration” at the Newcomers Canada Career Fair as on February 7, 2014, at the Herzing College Presentation Centre in Toronto, ON.
Economic integration in Canada
Kenney explored Canada’s options on helping internationally trained workers apply their skills in a field related to their training, so they can put their talents to use in communities across Canada:
“I call it the Canadian experience paradox. The employer says to you, I’m sorry, you can’t apply unless you have Canadian experience. And you say to them well, how do I get Canadian experience if I can’t get a Canadian job?
And then of course, there’s the enormous red tape to get credentials recognized by professional licensing bodies. Sometimes, there are language barriers or challenges for linguistic proficiency in English or French, and sometimes people just don’t have the networks that are necessary—they don’t have the practical knowledge, the soft social skills to break into the Canadian labour force.
And as a result of some or all of those factors, too many of our new Canadians end up feeling and being excluded from their potential in our economy. And that’s a waste for them, and it’s a waste for us. I’ve often said it’s immoral for us, as one of the most prosperous countries in the world, to invite people from some of the struggling countries to leave their good standard of living, their profession where their skills are needed, to come to Canada only to face under‑employment or, worse yet, unemployment.
And that’s why one of the reasons we’ve been making major reforms to the Canadian immigration program—so that now and in the future, we can do a better job of selecting people with the skills that are relevant to the Canadian labour market, with the language proficiency that will ensure employment, but also why we are trying to reform our domestic labour market programs, working with the provinces and educators, including career colleges, to better prepare people for the jobs of the future.”
Integration of foreign nationals in Canada
The Newcomers Career Fair is Canada’s leading recruitment event for employers wishing to recruit highly skilled foreign workers already in Canada – management, professional, scientific, technical and trade skills.